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    EXTREMELY DISAPPOINTED in Savvy-Travel. See email I was forced to send Krystle of Savvy-Travel below for her dishonest communication and complete disregard of customer satisfaction during the planning phase: I wanted to send you a personal email letting you know how extremely disappointed XX and I are in your services. Based on reviews and our original interactions with you, we had pretty high hopes for partnering up with you on what should be the best trip of our lifetimes, and were relying on you to help make it something special. We could not have been more incorrect. Not only did the pricing you gave us rake us over the coals (we've conferred with several other travel agencies since using the exact same itinerary), but you tried to pressure us to give you a deposit within 24 hours timeframe of telling us the cost, not allowing us to think it thru. It's amazing that you knew exactly how much the price would increase if we didn't give deposit that quickly. I don't believe that price hike was the truth though given how dishonest you were throughout the whole process. After telling you that we are not prepared to commit to a $4k deposit, we haven't heard a single word from you since (~2 weeks). Is that really how you treat your customers??? What kind of a sales person/services industry professional gives an ultimatum on your services and say 'my way or the highway'. Bottom line is that you didn't value our business and you pissed it away. Not only our business, but business of several others whom we started referring your way. I suppose the biggest mistake you made was sending us your commission statement by accident and then trying to spin the reasoning for the commission that it doesn't come out of our costs, but that isn't true and I was foolish to believe you. Had you not accidentally sent us that invoice, we would have NO IDEA that you charge commission from your customers directly affecting the cost to us and that we are the ones who had to pay for it - not the resorts as is the case with most agents. As a sales person myself, I can't think of anything more dishonest than that. This is magnified tenfold when we asked 3 or 4 separate times early in our talks about how the pricing breakdown worked and you never once told us your commission. Had you been upfront about it, we would not be so upset now. Why do you hide this bit of information from your customers...? You should know that we have 4 friends whom we had originally told them they should work with you on their honeymoon plans, but since we told them to stay very far away. I could not be more disappointed with the way you have conducted yourself since sending that incorrect invoice and I could not be happier that you made that foolish mistake. I apologize for my strong words, but this is something that needs to be said and unfortunately, I also feel compelled to write a public review about this as well. Maybe had you kept in touch with us and asked us our concerns about the trip it would not have come to this, but you literally cast us aside once we found out your true colors. Just wanted to send you this email notifying you how upset and taken advantage of XX and I both feel from working with you as it is something you should be aware of. I hope for your sake that this is not a common occurrence and that if it is, you become more transparent with your customers.
    By Steve Vaughan, April 24, 2017

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